Quick Summer checklist:
- Never leave your dog in a hot car
- Always keep them well hydrated
- Don’t walk your dog on hot pavement as it could burn their pads
- Always be aware of how much time your dog has spent in direct sunlight/heat
Just like us, dogs can get dehydrated! We need to make sure that our dogs have plenty of access to water throughout the day. According to PET MD, dogs require a minimum of 60ml of water per kg of body weight a day, of course this can vary depending on individual dogs age, breed and health so just ensuring they always have access to fresh water and letting them decide is the best course of action.

Heatstroke Prevention
Overheating is a common issue in dogs, specifically Brachycephalic (flat face) breeds such as bulldogs or pugs. Providing a cool place for your dog is crucial, this can be in the form of shade or perhaps a cool towel for them to lie on.
It’s also important to know the signs of heatstroke and to be aware that temperatures as low as 20-23 degrees can be a possible danger for dogs.
Some Symptoms of Heat Stroke:
- Higher temperature
- Panting heavily
- Difficulty breathing
- Excessive drooling
- Diarrhoea or vomiting
- Increased heart rate
- Weakness
A quick and easy tip to minimising the chances of your dog suffering from heat stroke is limiting outdoor actives to the morning or late afternoon when the sun isn’t as strong.

Nature has created your dogs coat to help regulate their temperature, keeping them cool in the summer and warmer in the winter. Dogs may need to be groomed more during the summer months and it is also great to give them a brush at home regularly, this not only removes matted hairs but also helps you spot any ticks, hot spots or fleas that may have found their way in.
Interesting fact: Dogs sweat only through their paw pads. They regulate their body temperature through a combination of sweating, panting and their coat.
Ticks can be found in a lot of places during the summer but most commonly in long grass and forested areas. Give your dog a good stroke from time to time and see if you can feel any extra little tick size bumps, often a similar size/feel to a nipple.
Have a tick remover at hand, and make sure you know how to use it! Read the instructions carefully before use, most tick removers work by twisting to gently remove the tick without leaving anything in the skin. Have a look at the tick afterwards (yuck!) to ensure you’ve got it all.
There are preventive remedies available for ticks such as pills and solutions but best to speak to your vet prior to using these.
Outfits….plenty of outfits!
"Fashion is very important. It is life-enhancing and, like everything that gives pleasure, it is worth doing well.” —Vivienne Westwood
I’m sure Vivienne would agree that this applies for not only you, but your dog too. After all, your dog is an extension of you is it not!