At Stocky & Dee we love to get involved with dog charities where possible to help dogs in need. When covid-19 hit, animal charities (as well as most other charities across the world) where hit with major funding concerns as all their regular fund raising events were cancelled.
At the time, the NHS rainbow campaign was in full flow, rainbows were everywhere and as we love colour and creativity we thought….Rainbow Dog Collar!
The Rainbow Dog Collar was originally created as a one off promotion that we would run for a period of time and we wanted it’s sales to be linked with donations to a dog charity.
Stocky & Dee started life just outside Aberdeen in Scotland and Mrs Murrays Dog & Cat Home was a charity we knew well, it was the perfect fit.
We contacted them and they were delighted to be involved, the Rainbow Dog Collar was born and its popularity grew fast.
After the initial launch of the Rainbow Dog Collar we decided to add the matching lead and bow tie, again with proceeds going to Mrs Murrays Dog & Cat Home. We’re delighted with how this collection has gone, having raised over £1000 so far and it will be there on our website for the foreseeable future.

A new program we created at Stocky & Dee is our Pup-Cycle Initiative.
Here we encourage customers to send back their puppy collar which their puppy has now outgrown and in return we give them a discount on any future purchases.

Once we receive the puppy collars, we touch them up if necessary and then donate them to a UK dog home. We want our customers to know where their collars have gone so we add information and images to our website under the charitable programs page, there they can see their old puppy collar enjoying a new lease of life with a new owner.