Hey! Lucy & Stu here, and this is the story of how we became the proud owners of a delightful little sausage called Neville 'Longbottom'

What made you get a dog?
Although we always saw ourselves as ‘larger-dog people’, we had been doing Borrow my Doggy for over a year and had fallen in love with 2 miniature dachshunds. We thought while we both had full-time jobs, we wouldn’t be able to have a dog as giving them the care and attention they need & deserve in the first few months would be impossible… but then lockdown happened and suddenly Stu had 3 months without work. We very much know a dog is for life, not just for lockdown so Stu encouraged me to do a zoom presentation outlining the realities of dog ownership and how it would fit in with our lives. As well as serving a practical purpose (ensuring we did our research on things like doggy daycares and great collars & leads, thanks Stocky & Dee!), it was a bit of fun to have our friends involved in the process via zoom and reduce the lockdown boredom for an evening. My sales experience came in useful and our friends and family overwhelmingly agreed we should get a miniature dachshund named Neville Longbottom!

How were the first few nights?
I was working full time so Stu kindly offered to forgo sleep for the first week. He stayed on the sofa next to Neville’s crate during the night, and on the sofa with Neville lying on top of him during the day. By night six, Neville managed through the night without crying (too much) and has now taken after his dad Stu and become a ridiculously good sleeper, enjoying lazing in bed until midday unless he is rudely awaken.

What positive changes has your dog made in your life or others lives?
Neville is the cuddliest dog known to man and he’s cheered many a person up with his cuddles. We love getting outdoors with him and although he only has little legs, he loves long walks, playing in the park with his pals and has even braved the sea.
Given his distinctive markings and eyes, it often feels like you’re walking around London with a D-list celebrity, either people slyly taking photos of him or asking to be introduced, though obviously to us - he’s A-List. His singing (/howling) ability also makes him very popular at parties.

What do you love most about your dog?
Neville is so joyful and enthusiastic (unless trying to get him out of bed for a morning walk). He’s got a cheeky personality and he’s only got 2 speeds - zoomies or cuddles. He’s very good at welcoming visitors to our flat by initially barking at them and then falling asleep on them. He likes to share his cuddles with everyone and always chooses the new person to cuddle on the sofa. He’s our little baby and we can’t imagine life without him.